Write Letters

Quick method: Copy/Paste the example email below and edit as you see fit.

  • Comments do not have to be in any particular format,
  • Address is preferred by policy makers,
  • Comments do need to be signed, and
  • Comments do not need to have a literary quality

You can send one e-mail of support to both the City of Edina, and the Three Rivers Park District.

Example e-mail:


NineMileTrail@ThreeRiversParkDistrict.org (Commissioners and Planners)
edinamail@ci.edina.mn.us (Mayor, City Council, and Parks Director)

Subject: Support for Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail through Parkland

Body of email:

Please direct this email to:
Edina Mayor and City Council Members
Edina Parks Director John Keprios
Three Rivers Park District Commissioners
Three Rivers Park District Senior Planner Kelly Grissman

Edina Mayor, City Council, Parks Director, and TRPD Commissioners:

I support the proposed Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail through Edina. While the trail would require a significant investment, I believe the many recreational and practical benefits of a regional trail to Edina residents would outweigh the cost. Edina is renowned as a very high quality community. A safe, comfortable, and inviting trail for walkers, joggers, and riders of all ages and skill levels would serve to promote our unique healthy Edina lifestyle and enjoyment of Edina’s parks.

A wise investment in a regional trail would be an asset to the community. Recreational facilities are a decision factor for many prospective homeowners and a trail would be a selling point for Edina home sellers.

I believe the regional trail should run through parks to enhance the walking and riding experience, versus existing roadways which have increased levels of car exhaust and noise.

In summary, I urge you to approve the proposed regional trail and select routes through parks.

Your Name

– End of email –

More ways to respond: 

Two example letters and a document with contact information:

Comments are closed.